Azure API Management Developer Portal, still Relevant?

The Azure API Management (APIM) developer portal remains a crucial tool for API developers and administrators, enabling efficient management, testing, and documentation of APIs. Despite the evolution of various tools and technologies, the APIM developer portal continues to be relevant, offering robust features that cater to the needs of modern API management. In this blog, we will explore the significance of the APIM developer portal, delve into the latest updates, including the general availability of audit logging, and discuss the exciting upcoming features and integrations.

Why the Azure API Management Developer Portal is Still Relevant

The Azure API Management developer portal serves as a comprehensive interface for API consumers and providers. Its relevance persists due to several key factors:

  1. Centralized API Management: The portal provides a single platform to manage, publish, and monitor APIs, ensuring consistency and control over API lifecycle management.
  2. Interactive Documentation: Developers can explore API capabilities, read detailed documentation, and use the interactive console to test APIs directly within the portal.
  3. User Engagement: By offering features like user authentication, API key management, and access control, the portal enhances user engagement and security.
  4. Scalability and Integration: Azure’s robust infrastructure supports scaling and integration with other Azure services, making it suitable for enterprises of all sizes.

Latest Update: General Availability of Audit Logging

One of the most significant recent updates is the general availability of audit logging in the APIM developer portal, announced on June 3, 2024. This new feature brings several advantages:

  • Enhanced Monitoring: API administrators and managers can now enable a diagnostic setting to send developer portal audit logs to various destinations such as a storage account, event hub, or Log Analytics workspace.
  • Detailed User Activity Logs: The audit logs capture crucial user activities, including:
    • User Authentication Actions: Tracking sign-in and sign-out activities.
    • API Details Views: Monitoring access to API details, operation details, and product views.
    • API Testing: Recording actions taken in the interactive test console.
  • Improved Security and Compliance: This feature enhances the ability to monitor and audit user activities within the developer portal, providing better security and compliance management.

The introduction of audit logging empowers organizations to maintain comprehensive records of user interactions, which is essential for troubleshooting, compliance audits, and security investigations.

Upcoming Feature: WordPress Integration

In addition to the recent audit logging feature, Azure API Management is set to release an exciting new integration with WordPress, one of the world’s most popular content management systems (CMS). This upcoming extension will allow users to embed the APIM developer portal directly into their WordPress sites.

Benefits of WordPress Integration:
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate API documentation and testing capabilities into your WordPress site without extensive custom development.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Provide a unified platform for users to access API resources alongside other website content, improving user experience.
  • Customization and Branding: Leverage WordPress’s extensive customization options to brand and tailor the developer portal to align with your organization’s identity.

This integration will significantly simplify the process of providing API documentation and interaction capabilities to a broader audience, leveraging the familiar and user-friendly environment of WordPress.


The Azure API Management developer portal continues to be an essential tool for API management, offering a centralized platform for API documentation, testing, and user engagement. The recent addition of audit logging enhances security and compliance, making it easier to monitor and audit user activities. Looking ahead, the upcoming WordPress integration promises to extend the reach and usability of the developer portal, providing seamless access and enhanced user experience.

Today’s update is brief, but I’m currently working on new blogs about exciting upcoming changes in the tech world. Stay tuned for detailed insights on the following topics:

  • Upcoming .NET Changes for Workflow Management in Logic Apps
  • Launch of API Management Workspaces

These updates promise to bring significant improvements and new capabilities. Keep an eye out for my in-depth analysis and tutorials!

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